Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Event/Seminar Theme: Experience Life to the Fullest

Overall Event/Seminar Theme — Experience Life to the Fullest

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein

If we don’t penetrate the profane and common—the ordinary—we risk living only on the surface of life and missing out on its richness, dimension, and beauty. The purpose of this event theme is to help people get out of ‘auto-pilot’ and begin to live life at a deeper and more fulfilling level.

Potential Content Themes

These themes can be used in a variety of ways….you can develop the content further, find a speaker that talks to these topics, create activities and exercises that exemplify this, etc. (any mix of these topics could work great!)

To maximize the use of these topics below, see my blog coming soon on how to create a phenomenal event syntax and how to develop content.

What does it mean to experience life fully?

· Experience the unbridled joy of feeling truly alive

· Live with meaning and purpose

· Appreciate the here and now; appreciating simply what ‘is’

· Find the magic in the ‘little’ things

· Create magic

· Enjoy the journey of life

· Explore all that life has to offer

· Be who you were created to be

· Let your light shine; impact others by simply being

· Live from a place of gratitude and awe

· Contribute to something bigger than yourself (others, environment, etc)

· Experience others, things, situations, and circumstances as they are

· Discover beauty (in yourself, in others, in the world)

Some themes expanded further....

Find Magic in the ‘Little’ Things.

  • Enjoy the little things because one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
  • A small moment is one that compresses a momentous opportunity or experience in it.
  • When you live for the ‘little things’, it transforms the monotony of daily life.
  • We miss promising moments because we do not recognize them until too late.
  • Don’t stand around waiting for a moment to happen—create one! (start a water fight with your kids, do something sill and unexpected, etc)

Live with Meaning and Purpose

  • Greatness and fulfillment penetrate our lives when we are living in our purpose.
  • Finding your purpose may be a life long pursuit, or you may have discovered it when you were five years old. Once you get a glimpse of your purpose, pursue it.
  • Following your own path will bring you to the places you were meant to be.

Be Who You Were Created to Be

  • The beauty of life is that each and every one of us is unique and different—no two people are exactly the same, and neither are our gifts, strengths, and talents. We each have our own meaning and purpose to live out and explore.
  • To magnify and expand who you are, increase your impact on others, and to fully experience the meaning and purpose of why you are here, it is vital to identify your strengths, step into your gifts, and then let them explode!
  • We all have our own unique strengths—our goal is to not have strengths in all areas, but to excel by maximizing the strengths unique to us and to appreciate the different strengths of those around us.
  • The greatest room for growth does not come from growing our weaknesses, but from growing our strengths.
  • Great Books as additional resources: Appreciate Inquiry, Now Discover Your Strengths

Appreciate What Is

  • True happiness is an acceptance of life as it is given to us; versus pursuing what it is not yet.
  • Be fully present in the moment and find what’s great right now

Discover Beauty

  • Stop and smell the roses….for real! Don’t rush by so fast that you miss the beauty and texture of all life and the world has to offer.
  • Learn about another culture—look for the beauty of that culture…not differences!
  • Appreciate the beauty of art….music, paintings, architecture, dance, etc. (note, you could do a lot of really cool stuff with this…..sessions where participants are exposed to art forms in a way they may have never experienced before, like listening to a variety of different styles of music and experiencing the artistry in them).

Gratitude and Awe

  • Count your blessings. What are you grateful for in life? Brainstorm every thing you can think of.

Contribute to Something Bigger Than You

  • Have a heart for contribution so that you can be open and ready to give and make a difference in the lives of others.
  • Find something bigger than you to contribute to. (helping foster children, homeless, abused animals, going green, etc)
Here is a link to a 3 minute video I created about living every day life to the fullest:


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